Thoughtful Henderson investors find themselves in an increasingly uncertain environment. Although the official cost of living numbers indicate that inflation isn’t much of an issue, few Henderson residents who mind the family budget are convinced. Even if that were currently the case, even fewer think it is a situation that will last indefinitely. At the same time, dollars banked in savings accounts earn next to nothing. And at this point, many feel that trusting in the stock market requires nerves of steel. Last week, The Wall Street Journal was reporting that even the biggest hedge fund managers, convened in Henderson for their annual SALT get-together, were displaying “decided pessimism.” Unnerved by their inability to guarantee future value to their clients caused a “mood that was anything but festive.”
It’s not surprising, then, that lately, real estate is the ownership investment class type that’s on the rise. Henderson investors may agree with analyst Grant Cordone, writing recently in Entrepreneur magazine:
Income-producing real estate is one of the few investment classes that, as a hard asset, has meaningful value. The property’s land has value, as does the structure itself, and the income it produces has value to future investors. Income producing real estate investments do not have red and green days, as does the stock market.
These qualities are augmented by some of the outside factors affecting the nation at large. U.S. News Money feature gave property managers some good news about rental rates with its spoiler alert: “Rental hikes are not going away.” It predicts a solid 8% increase for the year. That kind of income growth—which has already been steady and sustained for years—coupled with the “real” nature of investment real estate makes favorable comparison with most other investment classes easy to accomplish.
During times when future events are as uncertain as they are today, the appeal of get rich quick schemes and other risk-laden ventures succumbs rapidly. Especially given the abundance of solid Henderson real estate investment opportunities that are out there this spring, even those who haven’t really considered the idea in the past might be well-served to weigh the idea seriously. As an investment category, real estate comes out as the class act—one that’s easily accessible…in fact, opening the doors to the many Henderson opportunities is just a phone call away!